December 26, 2008

Getting to know me...Christmas Edition

Getting to know me....Christmas Edition

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, two 7m rolls that compliment each other

2. Real tree or Artificial? Fake tree as its cheaper

3. When do you put up the tree? the very last moment everyone allows me or until I get sick of being nagged.

4. When do you take the tree down? The 27th December

5. Do you like egg nog? never had it

6. Favourite gift received as a child? books

7. Do you have a nativity scene? No but is always on my to get list and I never end up getting year

8. Hardest person to buy for? Melissa

9. Easiest person to buy for? Paige

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? I wrote out my cards on Christmas Eve and am yet to post them

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? potatoes

12. Favourite Christmas movie(s)? National Lampoon Family Christmas Vacation

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I normally start during the year and put things away, but this year due to the lack of money and interest I was still buying on Christmas Eve.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No

15. Favourite thing to eat at Christmas? Glazed ham, hot rolls, xmas pudding

16. Clear or coloured Christmas lights? clear on the tree.

17. Favourite Christmas song(s)? Silent night

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We stay at home for lunch then go to Bendigo for tea

19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? No.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? A star.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Christmas stuff & carols in the shops in October, rude selfish people, crowds do I go on.....

23. Favourite ornament theme or colour? Blue & silver but would like a change to red & green

24. Favourite dinner for Christmas? would be to go to the pub

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? peace & harmony

26. Do you bake lots of goodies during the holidays? Not any more now thats theres only Dave & myself

27. Do you decorate different rooms of your home? no just the tree in the family room.

28. What decorations do you put outside? lights usually but not this year

29. How do you spend Christmas Eve? cooking the chickens, wrapping gifts, playing on the computer

30. Is Christmas your favourite holiday? yeah parts of it is, I love the magic & seeing the kids faces but the rest is crap

I tag whoever wants to participate! You can leave me a comment to let me know that you have answered the questions on your blog then I can read yours and get to know you!

Merry Christmas

Another Christmas over

Well thats another Christmas over and done with. It started off well witha cup of tea brought into me by Dave, whilst Bec played with Paige, I slept in until 8.10, got dressed. Chilled out for an hour then started getting everything ready. While Bec peeled the potaotes for the potato salad & made the green salad, I glazed the ham & got everything else ready for lunch. Dave then got dressed as Santa & surprised Paige by comming down the hall calling out Merry Xmas & Ho Ho HO it was rather amusing infact I was laughing that much that I couldn't hold the camera still enough to take a photo, we all sat around and Santa handed out all the presents which were mainly all for Paige what a surprise. There's too much to list but a few of them are a sandpit with bucket, spade, toys, cars, balls, care bears, outdoor table & chairs with umbrella, books, animals, flute, bells, crayons & scrap book, dvd's clothes etc... Dave got an engine lifter & crane, polo shirts, chocolate, coffee machine & coffee, Bec received chocolates, incence sticks, deoderant, socks, biscuits & books. I got a block of chocolate, box of ferrer roche, coffee machine, coffee, oil burner & dvd's. John (redeye) Dave's mate turned up around 11.30 with a present of a stuffed dog for Paige & bearing a lions fruit cake, frozen apple pie & beer for the rest of us. So the 'men' got the esky set up and sat on the lounge & watched telly. I had all the food on the table right on 12pm, it was a very simple lunch consisting of baked ham, chicken pieces, green & potato salad, beetroot, asparagras, pineapple, creamed corn & hot dinner rolls. We all enjoyed the laid back quiet lunch & enjoyed the food. After lunch John watched tv, Dave had a nana nap on the couch, Paige played with her toys, Bec played on facebook and I cleaned the kitchen vowing not to do it again....I plonked myself in front of the computer after kicking Bec off I suggesting she read her new book Twilight by Stephanie Meyer that was her Christmas gift from Missy & Al, I had an alterior motive, as I wanted to read it myself especially after seeing the movie with Miss & Al whilst in Perth. The peace and quiet was broken when Dave was woken by Paige stuffing a toy up his nose, he got up and cut the ham, found containers for the prawns & organised the drinks for the evening, cleaned out the Patrol so the esky, pram & Bec's overnight bag could fit into the back and moved the car seat so John could fit in. It was time to get changed and drive to Bendigo. We went via the ring road even though its a bit longer the road is smoother and the speed limit is 110kmh compared to the rough goat track through the hills around Bachhas Marsh & Gisborne. We arrived in Bendigo around 7pm at the same time as Matt, Nicki, Jorja & Wade. Dallas led us through the house we stopped at the kitchen to say hello to Brooke. We were led out the backyard, seated at the tables was Helen, Kate, Lauren, Ron & Chris. The place soon filled up when Ted, Di & Adrian arrived as well as Jamie & his girlfriend Simone who happens to come from Lara and Ashlea & her boyfriend who lives & works in Echuca. Stacey & 4 month old Liam arrived later. It was all going as usual with all of 'them' at one end of the table and rest of 'us' being John, Bec, Paige & myself at the other with Dave fliting in between. We had dinner which was no differnt to lunch just mossies to keep us busy. Paige was cruising around chatting away to people when she spilt a few drops of her juice onto or near Chris's white jeans, Chris jumped out of her chair exclaiming that she doesnt appreciate having juice spilt over her. I just ignored it and thought to myself stupid her for wearing white pants to a party where there are children...for gods sake! Whilst Dave got ready as Santa, Bec asked Ron for a hold of the baby this is after he had been handed around to everyone...Ron reply was astounding. "I'll have to ask Stacey first". Stacey obviously gicing the okay Ron handed Liam over, Bec sat down and played with him, Paige being inqisitive came up and grabbed his dummy that was attatched by a cord and stuck it in her mouth as soon as I realised which was nanoseconds later I plucked out the dummy, in the time it took to do that Chris rushed over grabbed the dummy and ran inside and washed it, a minute or two later Bec stood up holding Liam under the arms , when all of a sudden Ron rushed over grabbed the baby and said to Bec sternly "thats not how you hold a baby", Bec was shocked she repkied " I think I know how to hold a baby, I do have one". At this time Chris was over at Ron's side also haranging Bec over her inability to hold a child. Bec was getting angry which I dont blame her as was I, but I had to keep the bloody peace so I just kept on saying to Bec to drop it, and that it wasnt worth worrying over it. I took them inside as Dave was ready to hand out the presents, I went & sat down with Paige however I couldnt stay as Ron & Chris came and sat behind me, so that I wouldnt loose it in front of everyone I took Paige into the hallway and stood behind Dave until Bec came and took over. I went outside to chill out, John came out and joined me, we both sat there and whinged about Ron & Chris's behaviour. We had about half an hour of peace before everyone came out. As soon as Dave came and sat down I informed him of what had happened, he went very quiet, I could tell he was angry. We stayed for seddert then left immediatly after, I dropped Bec off in Long Gully at Bob's, (her ex's Dads place) she was staying overnight there then spending the day with her friend Nae in California Gully returning on the train on Saturday. The drive back to Geelong was amusing as Chris had also upset Redeye over his eating dessert. Di had told him to have another piece so he used his old plate, but got a new spoon and dished up some of Chris's cake and left the spoon on the cake tray, Chris immediatly rushed over grabbed the spoon and went and washed it. (It was a plastic spoon!) As soon as we got home John went home and dave went to bed, I stayed up and played on Facebook then watched tv for 2 hours going to bed at 2.30am. Had a sleep in this morning not getting up until 9.30, layed in bed talking with Dave about what happened last night with his family and how I wont ever go back for Christmas Dinners with the 'family'. He then said if the economic climate allows then in 5 years we can move back over to WA. That gives me a year for my course then 4 years of saving money from working. At least now he's agreeing to move back over there, last nights treatment of Bec & Paige just confirmed what a bunch of prats they can be. So in all an eventful one, I enjoyed the morning and lunch but dinner was horrendous and Im never doing it again! Seeing Paige play with her presents makes up for all the crap of the day:)

December 19, 2008

Places Missy & Al have been to

Places Missy & Al have been to

Grindelwald. Nächste Halt, Deutschland
will keep this updated :)

2008 A Year in review

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Completed 2 online Medical Terminology Courses
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I kept my pomises to myself & I plan to make some nore plans for next year
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My nephew Joel was born
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my Mother in Law & my ex's father
5. What countries did you visit?
I havn't been overseas
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Thursday 11th November I surprised Melissa & Al at the airport
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Passed both medical terminolgy classes & level 2 first aid
9. What was your biggest failure?
Not celebrating Mothers Day properly with Rebecca
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
An episode that put me in hospital for 1 month
11. What was the best thing you bought?
A nurses dictionary
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
human nature I guess, people can do some horrible things to each other
14. Where did most of your money go?
the cost of living.....
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Seeing Melissa & Al after 1 year
16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
Sweet about me
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Happier
b) thinner or fatter? I have lost over 16 kg since the begining of the year
18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
organised myself
19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
wasting precious time
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
very quietly...just Dave, Bec, Paige & John then dinner in Bendigo
21. Did you fall in love in 2008?
With life
22. How many one-night stands?
NONE, Never
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Shameless, Criminal minds, Law &Order, CSI, ER
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
such a waste of an emotion
25. What was the best book you read?
A boy called 'it' by David Pelzer
26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Music DVDs
27. What did you want and get?
A dart board although theres nowehere to play it
28. What did you want and not get?
dart board stand
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 43 went out to tea
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
the business remaining a sucess
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
EKKKK horrible....what concept?
33. What kept you sane?
coffee....lots of coffee
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Captain Jack Sparrow
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
The US election.....
36. Who did you miss?
My family
37. Who was the best new person you met?
Mary my case manager
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
Let it go
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"theres nothing sweet about me"

November 11, 2008

I Have Been Tagged

I Have Been Tagged

Thanks to Elisa who has tagged me...

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car), Prince Nissan

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fave ice cream flavor, favorite cookie), Coffee Quatro

3. YOUR “FLY Guy/Girl” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name), J Tar

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal), Blue Dog

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born), Anne Swan Hill

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 3 letters of your first), Tarjen

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink), The Black Coffee

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers), Francis Eric

9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy), Ysatis Turkish Delight

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names ), Bernadette Stanley

11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city/town that starts with the same letter), Wilson Walpole

12. SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday, flower). Winter Daisy

13. CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”) Nectarine Shirty

14. HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree), Banana Japanese Maple

15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”), The Scrapbooking Rain Tour

July 27, 2008

13 things I do each day

13 things I do each day

1. Take my pills
2. Have breakfast
3. Have coffee outside
4. Do dishes
5. Play on facebook
6. Check my emails
7. Sweep floor
8. Pat & play with each dog
9. Talk to Bec
10. Read the paper
11. Watch the weather channel
12. Listen to music max during the day
13. Check the letterbox

Top 13 TV shows

Top 13 TV Shows

1. Law & Order SVU
2. Law & Order Criminal Intent
3. Criminal Minds
4. CSI
5. CSI Miami
7. Shameless
8. Ramseys kitchen nightmares
9. OZ
10. Malcolm in the middle
11. My name is Earl
12. Keeping up appearances
13. Without a trace

Top 13 songs

My top 13 songs

1. Better man - Robbie Williams
2. Bright Lights - Matchbox Twenty
3. Have I told you lately - Van Morrison
4. Bat out of hell - Meatloaf
5. Hotel California - Eagles
6. Hot August Night - Neil Diamond
7. Annie's song -John Denver
8. Where's the ocean- Toni Childs
9. You learn - Alanis Morisette
10. I'm not crazy - Matchbox Twenty
11. Let me entertain you - Robbie Williams
12. Fast car - Tracey Chapman
13. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen

July 25, 2008

My top thirteen books

My top thirteen books

1. The Stand - Stephen King
2. Thomas Covenant chronicles - Stephen Donaldson
3. East of Eden chronicles
4. Cell -Stephen King
5. Swansong - Richard MaCammon
6. Lord of the rings - Tolkein
7. Harry Potter series- JK Rowling
8. Misery - Stephen King
9. Mine - Richard MacCammon
10. Needful things -Stephen King
11. Vampire chronicles - Anne Rice
12. Anita Blake vampire chronicles - Laurell K Hamilton
13. Mayfield chronicles - Anne Rice

My top twenty movies

My top twenty movies
1. The colour purple
2. Forrest Gump
3. Fried green tomatoes
4. The matrix
5. Pirates of the Caribbean
6. Pricilla queen of the desert
7. Cool hand Luke
8. Paint your wagon
9. One flew over the cuckoos nest
10. Edward scissorhands
11. I am legend
12. The life of Brian
13. Driving Miss Daisy
14. Face Off
15. Grease
16. The hunt for red october
17. The rock
18. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
19. Ghostbusters
20. Gremlins

June 29, 2008

50 before I'm 50

My 50 to do list before I'm 50

1. Go on a boat cruise
2. Eat sushi
3. Visit America
4. Make my own pasta
5. Lose 40 kg
6. Write my autobiography
7. Learn Italian
8. Go to Italy
9. Have my photo taken with a beefeater
10. Take Dave to the Kimberleys
11. Fly in a hot air balloon
12. Attend an Anzac day service
13. Swim with dolphins
14. Stay for 2 nights in a 5 star motel and pamper myself
15. See a film in the gold pass section of the cinema
16. Finish knitting my black jacket
17. Throw out all the superfluous stuff in my life
18. Grow own vegetable garden
19. Eat something I've caught
20. Teach someone to read
21. Watch a lunar eclipse
22. Have my portrait painted
23. Watch team win premiership
24. Stand under a waterfall
25. Spend a night in a haunted house
26. Talk to a stranger on the bus
27. Collect something pointless
28. See a whale in the wild
29. Drive along route 66
30. Visit America
31. Have a short story or poem published
32. See all of Johnny Depp films
33. Memorise a poem
34. Be able to take compliments
35. Plant a tree
36. Go to the ballet
37. Read a book in one sitting
38. Visit Gallipoli
39. Grow my hair long
40. Have a white Christmas
41. Attend a scrapbooking convention in America
42. Go white water rafting
43. Love my body
44. Ride a motorbike on the open road
45. Own a tailor made suit
46. Learn to tango
47. Do something I fear
48. Pay It Forward
49. Be an extra in a film
50. Ride a horse

April 24, 2008

Life goes on

For Dave's birthday I had bought tickets to Matchbox Twenty but due to his Mum's passing he didn't want to go so I took Bec along with me (It was her first concert) I was hobbling on crutches and my knees were in absolute agony but that didn't deter me. I drove the ute as its an automatic so no gear changing which made it easier. We had great seats and had a fantastic time, Thirsty Merc was the lead in band. Matchbox Twenty came out and sang for a whole 2 hours.
The following week was spent at Dr's getting an X-ray of my right knee, and its also full of arthritis and has 3 spurs on the end of the bones, so I'm to have a CT (Arthogram) scan on Monday 28th, it takes around 40 minutes and dye is injected into the knee, so I will be in some discomfort from that so I've saved 1 endone for Monday.
On the 17 th I had my last cigarette, I've been feeling sick smoking them and my asthma was getting bad so I just stopped, it helped not going anywhere and not being around people who smoke, so Its been a week and the cravings have now passed. I'm really proud of myself as I've tried to quit that many times in the past couple of years. This time is forever as I don't want to end up like Peg dying from Lung Cancer. (Not that she smoked)
Dave's working today and is heading up to the farm tomorrow for the weekend to clean out some more of the sheds, we have had prospective clients(Dingee Historical Society) go through the house and we are now waiting to see what they offer. The society's house they are currently in is being demolished by the school to make way for a car park, so they need somewhere in the area to store all their stuff and to have the place used as a gathering house for any clubs that require space. So fingers crossed. Something has got to start going the right way for us, since moving over to Victoria we've had nothing but one disaster after another.

April 14, 2008

A death, a funeral & a hospital visit

All I can say what a crappy day Wednesday was. Dave had left early to go to Bendigo to help finalise some of the arrangements for the funeral that day. I came outside to put all my stuff in the car ready to pick up Bec to take her, Paige and myself to Bendigo. I noticed 2 cars stopped in the middle of the road and I saw a black cat lying in the middle, sure enough as I walked over I realised it was Molly, she had been hit by a car and left for dead, by the time I got to her she took her last breath, I burst into tears as I didn't have time to bury her as I had to get to Bendigo, so I picked her up and took her home and placed her near the gate to the back of the house. I cried all the way to Bec's. I'm not a cat lover but I had grown fond of her. We arrived in Bendigo at 12pm and went to Helen's place to get ready. We arrived at Napier Park funeral parlour at 12.45pm and the place was absolutely packed, standing room at the back. The family were all sitting at the front, it was a lovely service led by the hospital chaplain, candles were lit by Dianne, Helen, Ronald & Daryl. Then family tributes were spoken by Lauren, Brooke, Stacey, Ashlea & Caitlin. The Eulogy was done by Peg's niece Julie Sait & Dave (eldest boy). The music chosen for the reflection was "Beyond the rainbow's end". Caitlin read the reflection then the Lords prayer was said.
To end the service a lovely poem was read called

"The Road Home"

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room;
Why cry for a soul set free!
Miss me a little--but lot too long
And not with your head bowed low;
Remember the love that we once share
Miss me--but let me go!

For this is a journey we all must take
and each must go alone;
It's all a part of the Master's plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds,
Miss me but let me go...

The casket was carried out by sons David, Ronald, Daryl, son-in-law Ted, nephews Matt & Jamie and was led by Peg's brother Roy. The procession went to Eaglehawk Cemetery, prayers were said as the coffin was lowered, flowers were offered to anyone who wished to place them onto the coffin. Norm & Peg are together again.
We all went to the Botanical Gardens Hotel for the wake, there were so many people from all over, such as Hobart, Deneliquin, Geelong & Bendigo. As the trays of food were brought out I decided to help distribute the food, going from table to table. It was very dark inside and as I was called over to serve some people I fell over the stage, the tray went flying & so did I. I twisted both knees, jarred my back and hit my head, I was unable to move so an ambulance was called & I was taken to hospital, I puffed on the green stick all the way I knew nothing was broken but knew I had torn my ligaments in both knees. I was seen almost straight away, was given Panadine Forte and had x-rays taken of my left leg as that was the one that hurt the most & my back. When the doctor returned the pain was still the same so I was given Endone, all the x-rays showed was that I have arthritis in my left knee & lower spine (which I already knew), I was given a script and sent home. Dave had already left as he had to take Roy to the airport so I spent the night at Helens. Dave took the train the following morning to pick me up and take the ute home. When I got up Thursday morning I ached in places I never knew I had...bruises were already coming out on my arms, hands, chest & the bridge of my nose(where the tray hit) and my knees, when I went to stand up my right knee went from under me and that when I realised I had hurt both knees. I rang Fiona up to see if I could borrow her crutches until I could see my GP.
So hopefully nothing else will happen for awhile as they say things come in three's.

April 06, 2008

The passing of life

In my last post April 1st, I said Peg (Dave's mum) had 2 weeks to live well she never made it, she lasted 5 days. Dave drove up to Bendigo on Thursday afternoon, I remained at home as I was supposed to babysit Paige on Saturday night for Bec. On Friday afternoon I rang Dave and he said they had removed all of the drainage tubes and that she would pass away within 24 -48 hours so I jumped on the next train to Bendigo then caught a cab to the hospital. All the family were there so we sat with her until 1.30 am whilst waiting for a cab to take us to Helens I had a full blown panic attack with vomiting, dizziness and chest pain. We went back to Helen's place (Dave's sister) and went to bed. Got up at 8.30 am Saturday and went straight up the hospital. Pegs breathing had become more laboured and she was retaining fluid. Within 2 hours she had been given 4 doses of Morphine to help with the pain. Around 12.30 pm I went out to stretch my legs, Dave decided to go down to the lake and have a coffee and a bit of a break from the hospital. We returned to the hospital and got up to the room just as Peg took her last 2 breaths. It was an extremely emotional time. We all took turns to say our goodbyes then went to Helens place to have a cuppa and so the family could start organising the funeral, which is to take place on Wednesday. Dave & I returned home late Saturday evening, I slept most of the way home as I had taken an anxiety pill that afternoon as I was starting to develop another full blown panic attack. So I'm not looking forward to Wednesday but at least Peg is no longer suffering and at least she went quickly. I will always remember her favourite saying of "I'll say".

April 01, 2008

Dave's Birthday

Happy Birthday Dave, unfortunately he has to work tonight so no going out to dinner maybe on the weekend depending on what's happening with Peg (Dave's mum).
A couple of weeks ago she had been complaining of a consistent cough, the Doctor just said she had the flu but it was constant, anyway the finally x-rayed her and saw a shadow on her lung meanwhile she was also having gallbladder pains. They ending up admitting her and drained around 450 mls fluid from her lung, they put her on morphine for the pain, she was booked in for surgery (biopsy) to see what the shadow was, the Doctors even thought she may have inhaled a foreign body. Dave went up on the weekend and visited her and came home saying she's sitting up really chirpy looks good apart from the fact she's lost some weight. Then on the Thursday at 7.20 pm we got a call from Helen to come to Bendigo as they weren't sure if Peg was going to make it through the night, so we were in Bendigo by 9pm. I nearly died when I saw her she was yellow and grey at the same time, she had lost lots of weight, not the same person I saw a couple of months ago for her 80th birthday. They had taken her down for an x-ray earlier on and her lung collapsed, they drained another 850mls out and gave her more morphine, so she was in and out whilst we were there, I drove Fe home and Dave & Daryl came back together. So we've been waiting for the results and they finally came today she has end stage lung cancer its also in her chest plate, she has 1-2 weeks to live. So she's been moved to a hospice where her pain will be managed and that's as much as I know at this time.

March 05, 2008

March madness

Well March started on Saturday and I took Bec, Paige & Bec's two friends to the market, we got there late so everyone was packing up. Dropped Bec off at home and came home myself, was just getting dinner on early so I could watch the footy (yay its back on) I got a call from Bec, Luke put himself on the train and was arriving that evening, poor Bec was so upset as there was a court order stating he could stay there while mediation was going on, (which totally sucks) I told her to ring her Lawyer, but apparently its above board so she has to put up with him, I said don't feed him as she had just gone and bought a whole heap of meat which would last her a couple of months but with the mobile garbage machine then only a couple of days. anyway she cooked up spaghetti as her 2 friends were staying there so he got canned baked beans. Monday morning a team of people arrived unannounced to Bec's to witness Luke's interaction with Paige, there was Bec's lawyer, a rep from DHS, Luke's Lawyer & a plain clothes Police officer, anyway Bec was feeding Paige at the time, he was still in bed, when he did finally come out he grunted at the people (thinking they were friends from Bec's mother group) and he went back to bed, they stayed for a couple of more hours leaving about 20 minuted before I came to pick Bec up for her leg waxing at 3.30pm. So he made a really good impression..NOT
He is still there and will be until Thursday afternoon as that's when the last mediation session is.
Today (Wednesday) is Fiona's 40th birthday so Bec, Paige & myself are going out to dinner with Daryl, Fi, Billy, Brodie & Jason, thinking it will be a quiet family affair today I find out that around 20 people are going to be there, I'm still no good around large crowds I get overwhelmed & anxious. . Dave has to work nights tonight, so at least I have Bec & I can use Paige as an excuse to leave early, at least its close by its at the Lara pub. Well that's my catch up for now...

February 27, 2008

Another crappy week

Well my waxing session went well, I then picked up Bec & we went to Corio shops for a coffee, I dropped in some slides to be turned into photos, Rabbit photo shop had a special of 50 cents per slide normally $1.50 ea, so I selected 92 pics of our childhood. Whilst at the shops I broke my handbag & smashed my sunglasses beyond repair.
I sent Ashley a Happy Birthday text on Thursday she turned 14, where does the time go? The weekend arrived & I felt really crappy, suffering from nightmares & panic attacks. I took Bec & Paige to the market on Saturday and bought myself a new pair of sunnies for $10, I never spend more than that on glasses as Dave is forever borrowing them, he stretches & scratches them. Dave's been working day & nights to try & bring in some urgently needed money, so he's absolutely exhausted, the other night he did 3 seperate jobs finally arriving home at 5am, grabbing 3 hours sleep and then doing a day shift. I don't sleep very well when he's not here.
It has taken all my willpower this week not to end up in the Psych hospital again, the voices are back and I'm finding it hard to concentrate, I have the most overwhelming urge to hurt myself. To overcome them I've been keeping myself busy with Bec & Paige. Bec rang me on Tuesday & informed me that Luke has applied for sole custody, that really put me in a tail spin, I ended up having a full blown panic attack, vomiting, headaches, all over body shakes, so Dave took me out for dinner ( I was totally incapable of cooking) to Ripper Roast, we then had coffee at the Texas Pizza Shop & called in on Bec but she was out. I called into the accountants today & picked up our BAS, I almost burst into tears as we've got a bill over $3500 payable by this Friday & I don't have it due to having no work for over 3 months, I've also got to pay Dave's tax bill & that's $1900, so I've been stressing over that, we've got over &10,000 outstanding to us but that doesn't help in the short term. I picked Bec up today (Wednesday) and took her to legal aid as she had an appointment with a lawyer, due to Luke's past history he wont get sole custody but will have visitation rights, once Paige is older he will be allowed to have her overnight and some weekends, but first he needs to find accommodation. Tomorrow I'm taking Bec & Paige to Werribee to get meat from Tasman Meats, she also needs to buy a high chair. This Friday I've an appointment with Centrelink regarding my disability pension, & I'm sure I've incurred a debt, & I will probably lose my pension altogether, I hope not as I wont be able to afford my Psych meds. My private health cover does not kick in until 26th June, so that will help the situation a bit. Well that's been my week, hopefully March will be better.

February 19, 2008

Another big catch up

November 2007 I attended another Getaway, I hadn't scrapped in such a long time that I only managed 5 LO's for the whole weekend, I mainly slept and socialised. On the 13th Nov we celebrated Luke (Bec's partner) birthday, we went out to dinner to the Thai Influence Restaurant.
December arrived with still no work as the trucks were out of action. Melissa & Al arrived on the 17th at 4.55 am, they spent 2 nights with us then spent a couple of days doing the tourist thing in Melbourne (Al's first trip to Melbourne). Xmas Day was fairly laid back, we had lunch then Dave went up to Bendigo to spend the night with his family, I had already told him I was spending it here in Lara (Don't need the 'family' crap anymore), so Xmas night was at Daryl & Fe's, we were home by 9pm. I took Melissa & al up to Bendigo the following day so they could catch up with Peg (Nan).
New Years Eve was stinking hot so we decided to have a BBQ down on Eastern Beach and watch the fireworks, it was great not only did we see the fireworks in Geelong but could see another 2 lots going on around the area. Afterwards we went to Dave's mates place and spent the next couple of hours drinking & swimming in their pool. Miss & Al flew out on the 6th Jan, I was a blubbering mess.
On the 10th Jan Fe was induced and she invited me to be there with her & Daryl, so I got to see another baby into the world, it still amazes me.
Caron, Anthony & kids were coming over for Paige's christening, they're to be her Godparents, so they put the twins on a plane and they set off in their 4WD, the twins did not cope very well with being away from Mum & dad so Sheree their Big sister came and took them for a couple of days. On Sunday 20th Jan we celebrated Peg's 80th Birthday with a BIG family get together. (I had to attend this one) I spent the whole day outside the function room as it was too cramped & stuffy, I used Paige as an excuse to leave as soon as the cake was cut. The following week was spent getting ready for Paige's christening. Unfortunately hardly anyone showed up, at least we had Godparents. Caron & Anthony bought Paige the most beautiful gown, vest, necklace & candle. In my rush I forgot to empty the camera and was unable to take any photos, so am waiting on Anthony, hopefully he has some nice ones. Caron, Anthony & family left the following day to return to Perth.
Dave finished repairing the truck so we were back in business (after 3 months of no income) so to treat ourselves we went fishing on the 3 rd Feb, we went to Torquey and inquired as to the best fishing spot, we were directed down a dirt road it turned out to be the nudist beach, not deterred we went and spent a couple of hours attempting to fish but the surf was too high & too many rips so we went for a drive around the area, ending up in Geelong fishing off the main pier, Dave caught a small brim. It was good just to get out the 2 of us.
On Friday 15th Dave took his mate Redeye out for lunch, Dave won over $400 on the pokies so he paid all the small bills around town and took me out to dinner at the Grovedale Hotel, the meal was divine, a bit on the expensive side but well worth it.
Tuesday 19th was an eventful day, Bec's partner Luke left to return to Bendigo as the relationship is over, he was supposed to looking after Paige when she cut herself in his care, that was the last straw for Bec, so I took him to the train station as I was concerned he might get aggro. He went quietly. I then caught up with Bec after her Mothers group, we went for lunch and did some shopping, I dropped her off around 4.45 pm and came home, I sent her a text later on in the evening to see how she was going, she said Paige was looking for Luke and that made her upset so I told her to put all her energy and focus on bubs.
Well I'm off to get my waxing done.