All I can say what a crappy day Wednesday was. Dave had left early to go to Bendigo to help finalise some of the arrangements for the funeral that day. I came outside to put all my stuff in the car ready to pick up Bec to take her, Paige and myself to Bendigo. I noticed 2 cars stopped in the middle of the road and I saw a black cat lying in the middle, sure enough as I walked over I realised it was Molly, she had been hit by a car and left for dead, by the time I got to her she took her last breath, I burst into tears as I didn't have time to bury her as I had to get to Bendigo, so I picked her up and took her home and placed her near the gate to the back of the house. I cried all the way to Bec's. I'm not a cat lover but I had grown fond of her. We arrived in Bendigo at 12pm and went to Helen's place to get ready. We arrived at Napier Park funeral parlour at 12.45pm and the place was absolutely packed, standing room at the back. The family were all sitting at the front, it was a lovely service led by the hospital chaplain, candles were lit by Dianne, Helen, Ronald & Daryl. Then family tributes were spoken by Lauren, Brooke, Stacey, Ashlea & Caitlin. The Eulogy was done by Peg's niece Julie Sait & Dave (eldest boy). The music chosen for the reflection was "Beyond the rainbow's end". Caitlin read the reflection then the Lords prayer was said.
To end the service a lovely poem was read called
"The Road Home"
When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room;
Why cry for a soul set free!
Miss me a little--but lot too long
And not with your head bowed low;
Remember the love that we once share
Miss me--but let me go!
For this is a journey we all must take
and each must go alone;
It's all a part of the Master's plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick of heart
Go to the friends we know
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds,
Miss me but let me go...
The casket was carried out by sons David, Ronald, Daryl, son-in-law Ted, nephews Matt & Jamie and was led by Peg's brother Roy. The procession went to Eaglehawk Cemetery, prayers were said as the coffin was lowered, flowers were offered to anyone who wished to place them onto the coffin. Norm & Peg are together again.
We all went to the Botanical Gardens Hotel for the wake, there were so many people from all over, such as Hobart, Deneliquin, Geelong & Bendigo. As the trays of food were brought out I decided to help distribute the food, going from table to table. It was very dark inside and as I was called over to serve some people I fell over the stage, the tray went flying & so did I. I twisted both knees, jarred my back and hit my head, I was unable to move so an ambulance was called & I was taken to hospital, I puffed on the green stick all the way I knew nothing was broken but knew I had torn my ligaments in both knees. I was seen almost straight away, was given Panadine Forte and had x-rays taken of my left leg as that was the one that hurt the most & my back. When the doctor returned the pain was still the same so I was given Endone, all the x-rays showed was that I have arthritis in my left knee & lower spine (which I already knew), I was given a script and sent home. Dave had already left as he had to take Roy to the airport so I spent the night at Helens. Dave took the train the following morning to pick me up and take the ute home. When I got up Thursday morning I ached in places I never knew I had...bruises were already coming out on my arms, hands, chest & the bridge of my nose(where the tray hit) and my knees, when I went to stand up my right knee went from under me and that when I realised I had hurt both knees. I rang Fiona up to see if I could borrow her crutches until I could see my GP.
So hopefully nothing else will happen for awhile as they say things come in three's.
1 comment:
Jen, sorry to hear about Molly, have told the kids and after a bit of a cry they are OK. Hope nothing else bad happens....
gotta start lookin up soon.....must of been that bloody black cat giving you bad luck LOL....
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