April 06, 2008

The passing of life

In my last post April 1st, I said Peg (Dave's mum) had 2 weeks to live well she never made it, she lasted 5 days. Dave drove up to Bendigo on Thursday afternoon, I remained at home as I was supposed to babysit Paige on Saturday night for Bec. On Friday afternoon I rang Dave and he said they had removed all of the drainage tubes and that she would pass away within 24 -48 hours so I jumped on the next train to Bendigo then caught a cab to the hospital. All the family were there so we sat with her until 1.30 am whilst waiting for a cab to take us to Helens I had a full blown panic attack with vomiting, dizziness and chest pain. We went back to Helen's place (Dave's sister) and went to bed. Got up at 8.30 am Saturday and went straight up the hospital. Pegs breathing had become more laboured and she was retaining fluid. Within 2 hours she had been given 4 doses of Morphine to help with the pain. Around 12.30 pm I went out to stretch my legs, Dave decided to go down to the lake and have a coffee and a bit of a break from the hospital. We returned to the hospital and got up to the room just as Peg took her last 2 breaths. It was an extremely emotional time. We all took turns to say our goodbyes then went to Helens place to have a cuppa and so the family could start organising the funeral, which is to take place on Wednesday. Dave & I returned home late Saturday evening, I slept most of the way home as I had taken an anxiety pill that afternoon as I was starting to develop another full blown panic attack. So I'm not looking forward to Wednesday but at least Peg is no longer suffering and at least she went quickly. I will always remember her favourite saying of "I'll say".

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