January 18, 2009

An update on my weight loss

Its been almost 2 weeks of nothing but Optislim & vegetables, somedays have been harder than others, easpecially when I have to go down to the shops for some fresh vegetables, all I can smell is the fresh baked bread & cooked chickens..I walk along practically drooling over the glass counter where the chickens are kept. Everything smells so good, even the fish...
I am getting very nervous about the proceedure as its a permanent thing, not something I can change my mind when I want to eat a big piece of steak, its life changing. I know health wise its the best thing to do but Im still scared. All my other surgeries have been neccessary this one is totally elective. Although Ive already started planning my surgery for when Ive lost all my weight, I want to have a tummy tuck & breast lift, apparently they can do the proceedure in one go to lessen any problems
The pain doesnt worry me its the vomiting afterwards with the band in.
I will have a weigh-in in the morning & see if Ive lost anything since I started.

Today is Monday the 19th January Ive lost 2.1 kg I now weigh 114.3 kg...one day to go

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Dont you worry, you are doing the right thing....and yes you will be able to eat steak...just not so big....
gee boob and yummy lift....new woman...look out world...