The 1st August arrived with Bec & myself looking at a rental house in Norlane for her, Luke and bubs. Its an old commission house but is no longer in the commission area, a very quiet neighbourhood. At only $150 p/w it was too good to pass up so we went and applied. On Friday 3rd Bec had a ante-natal appointment and was booked in for an induction on Monday, as she was contracting and bubs was completely engaged, Bec had been complaining of back aches all week. First thing Saturday morning Bec & I went to the real estate agents to sign up for the house, Dave and myself went to see Collingwood beat Carlton, at least it was a half decent game to watch.
Sunday was a quiet day spent waiting.....
We had to have Bec at the hospital by 7am on Monday morning the 6th, she was placed on a foetal monitor and was examined to see if things had progressed over the weekend, she spent one and a half hours on the monitor, then at 9am cervical gel was used. Bec was then allowed up and around so we went and had coffee and cake in the cafeteria, sitting outside in the sunshine was lovely. The contractions had started to pick up and Bec wanted to go back inside, so back up to Maternity we go, as she wasn't in really active labour, she spent the time in the day assessment unit being monitored. The doctor came around 2pm and after an examination she decided it was time to move things along so she ruptured the membranes, within minutes the contractions started to pick up pace, we were moved into one of the birthing suites. Bec sat on the large rubber ball and just focused on her breathing. She managed like this for another hour before asking for some pain relief so she started using the gas, at 4 pm she was 4cm dilated, but he contractions were now coming closer and a lot stronger, we moved into the shower. With Bec sitting on the ball and either Luke or myself behind her for support we ran the warm water over her stomach and back and alternated in giving back massages. At 7pm Bec kept on saying she wanted to push, and I kept on saying "no not yet it hasn't been long enough", after another half hour the nurse came in and suggested a quick examination, the baby's head was crowning, so Bec was told to push whenever she was ready. I held onto one of her legs and held around her neck for support, Luke was standing at the end of the bed with his mouth open in amazement. The student Doctor was on the other side of Bec, the midwife was trying carefully to get the head out when in a quick gush the head and one shoulder with the arm resting against the face pushed through, one more push and Paige Maree was born at 8.09 pm, weighing 7lb 13oz, 51cm long. Making the grand entrance that she did caused Bec to have over 60 external/internal stitches (they had to re-attach part of the labia) ouch...
Luke & I left the hospital around 11pm after making numerous mobile phone calls and sending texts with pictures attached.
Luke & I spent the next couple of days going to and from the hospital, Bec was finally released on Thursday 9th.
The next two weeks were a blur, the household getting used to having a baby around again which I thoroughly enjoy, lots of Nana cuddles. As Dave & I were going over to Tasmania for a week we asked if Bec & Luke would mind staying here and care for the dogs. So on Tuesday 21st at 5.30pm we boarded the Spirit of Tasmania for 8 days of doing nothing but what we wanted to do, no worries of the business, no worry about the kids, grand kid, dogs and cats.
Will do separate entry of Tasmanian trip.
We arrived back in Melbourne on the 30th at 7am and arrived back in Lara at 8.30am, Bec handed me my mail and in there was a letter I had been waiting months for, It was my letter regarding my surgery. I had an appointment that morning at 11 am on Bendigo, so after a real quick shower and a coffee ( I didn't sleep on the boat), Bec, Luke, Paige and myself headed off to Bendigo arriving at the hospital at 11am, I was checked over and given the all clear for surgery the following Wednesday 5th September. We then spent the afternoon visiting Luke's relatives as they had not yet seen Paige, we arrived home around 7pm. I collapsed into bed and spent the next day in there as well. That's how I saw out August. Whew!!
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