September 17, 2007

Time goes by

I was looking back at my last entry dated 20/6 and wondered where the time had gone, so I will do this in stages.
The following week was busy filled up with Doctors appointments, dog wash, Bec went back to Bendigo on the Wednesday, got the finance for the second truck, and on Saturday 30th we took Billy to see Pirates of the Caribbean.
July arrived with the most significant thing being was we saw a solicitor regarding the Leightons contract, they gave the go ahead so we signed on the dotted line and committed the truck to that site only. Which meant employing a person, and along with wages, there's superannuation, work cover so we got the name of a good Accountant that also does payroll, as we were going to form a company. So Dajentar Pty Ltd was born.
On the 19th we drove to Frankston Nissan and traded the Hyundai on a Nissan Patrol Turbo Diesel even though its not top of the range it has a cargo barrier, sub fuel tank, cruise control, retractable roof skylight and is white in colour.
On Wednesday 25th we went and saw Phantom of the Opera at the Princess Theatre, it was good but had altered quite a bit from the first interpretation which I think will always be in my memory.
On Saturday we went to the Telstra Dome to watch Carlton play St Kilda needless to say who won...not us.
Sunday night was spent in A& E with suspect gallstones, have to have an ultra sound.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

what else has been happening in your life...????