September started with my operation on the Wednesday 5th, Dave drove me up to Bendigo and dropped me at the hospital, I was seen by the registrar and anaesthetist, they were to give me an epidural and a GA. I was having my right ovary removed as it keeps on developing cysts and is no longer functioning properly, and removal of a pelvic wall cyst where the left ovary used to be, so I am now going through surgically induced menopause. I came home on the Saturday, looking forward to my own bed. Dave was spending the next week working up in Bendigo so I had the bed all to myself. Bec, Luke and Paige were still here as Dave had asked Bec to look after me for the first week post surgery as he knows I'm stubborn and I will get up and do things. Well not this time, this round of surgery has flattened me, I still tire easily, cant drive a car which is the most frustrating I feel like I'm trapped....Had the stitches removed on the Tuesday which also happened to be Becs 21st, as she had been sick with gall bladder attacks we stayed home and had a quiet night, we will celebrate later on.
Bec & Luke moved out on Friday 14th. gosh it was quiet around the house...I developed an infection, it took ages to come out. I stood up and it felt like a boil had ruptured inside my abdomen and heaps of pus and blood come out of the wound, so twice a day salt washes, anyway finally a strand of human brunette straight hair came out of the wound ( my hair is coloured red) another strand has since come out.
Dave took me to my Psych appointment on the 21st, I have to be careful as to what type of hormone replacement I have.
The 22nd saw Dave's brother Daryl marry his girlfriend Fiona (Fe), the ceremony was held at Serendip Sanctuary, with Fe's 2 boys Billy & Brodie and Daryl's daughter Meg also in the wedding party, with the reception at the sports club in Lara, the weather turned out perfectly as did the whole day, it was lovely.
The past week I have spent trying to slowly clear a path on the computer table, I have three months worth of bookwork to do, and now with the other truck theres even more invoices....yuck!
Friday 28th Bec & Luke took me out for coffee at Corio shopping centre, it was so nice to get out of the house even for a short while. As we sit outside so that I can have a cigarette I noticed an orange piece of paper on the road, I scurried over (as I cant walk fast yet) and picked it up and scored $20. We wandered around Kmart and came across aisles being set up with Christmas goodies, I was gobsmacked.
Saturday was spent sitting in front of the TV watching Geelong smash Port Adelaide all over the ground, it was not a good game of football to watch.
Bec & Luke picked me up this morning and took me to the market as I'm looking for a pair of ugg boots but am having trouble due to my foot size and the fact that I cannot bend my right ankle.
I spent the rest of the afternoon doing paperwork for the business.
And I'm going to be an Aunt again........