Dufus started vomiting mid Sunday morning while Dave & I were at the football, on Monday I let her out to go to the toilet and she disappeared, at first I wasn't too concerned but after a few hours had passed I become increasingly worried. The thought going through my mind was she had gone away to die. Elisa & I went looking for her but couldn't find her, Dave came home after work around 4.30pm and we searched for her, he finally found her hiding under the caravan behind the hay shed. Whilst looking for her I came across a pile of stuff she had brought up along with grass and dog biscuits was a tampon, (obviously Dufus had gotten into my dd's rubbish). She looked terrible, her eyes were all bloodshot, her nose dry and she was constantly licking her lips as she was very dehydrated. I called the vet and made an appointment for first thing Tuesday morning. Dufus tried to drink water but as soon as she did she would vomit.
So after dropping the girls off at school Elisa, Matthew , Dufus & I went to Rochester, normally Dufus is really excited about going in the car but she just laid down the whole trip. When arriving at the vet Dufus got weighed in and she had lost almost 1kg since her last visit which was only 3 weeks prior due to an infected spider bite on her nose. The hardest part of the visit was explaining to Keith the vet what I had found in her vomit and that I thought she maybe had another stuck in her stomach. He checked her stomach and it was very tender to the touch, he took her temperature which was normal, and did a rectal exam and she was badly constipated. So Keith decided that Dufus should stay and be put on IV fluids as she was dehydrated, give her an injection to stop the vomiting and they would take an x-ray then do a barium meal to check for any obstructions. If there was an obstruction then surgery would be required. I rang the vet around 4pm to check on her condition and she had just had her last x-ray after the barium meal, the good news was there was no obstruction but she was to stay overnight to get her fluid level back up and to ensure the vomiting had stopped. I was to call around 10am the next day to find out when I could take her home. I was so relieved.
So 10am came and I called the vet they were just giving Dufus a small feed to see how her stomach was and they said to call then back at 1pm as she was to have another small feed around lunch time and if all was fine I could get her. So I sat and knitted waiting for 1pm...finally I called the vet and she was ready so I went and picked her up arriving home around 3.15pm. The kids were really excited to see her when they arrived home from school as were the other dogs. So she is on antibiotics and some other medication for 10 days just to help her body fight whatever infection she caught, the vet has put it down to Gastroenteritis, I was worried about toxic shock from what she had swallowed.
So good news all around, now I just get to wait for the bill.......
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