Becs having a girl. Yes its pink. lol Bec had her nineteen week ultrasound on Monday and everything is looking really good. I was absolutly amazed at the clearness of the pictures, we got to see fingers, toes, ribs, ateries to the kidneys and heart chambers. Bec not only received pictures but had a video made of the ultrasound. She is twenty weeks and her due date is still the 2nd August.
She is looking really well, and she's lost weight. She's booked into Bendigo Base to have the baby and to start ante natal classes.
My week started off fairly quiet, just going to the gym. Then dave 'accidently' stoved the side of the truck into a power pole and damaged the tank and running gear. He finished the job he was on and came home to repair it, so all Friday was spent running arond for parts and tools. It was finally repaired by 10.30 pm, On Saturday morningI sprayed primer on it whilst dave went into town for the remaining parts, Dave then spent the afternoon spraying the tank white.
We headed up to Bendigo that afternoon to surprise Trevor for his 40th, the party was being held in the White Hills Football club rooms, there was a great turn out, instead of presents a wishing well was set up where you could deposit money as Trev's dream is to go to America.
there was a TV set up inthe corner with the NAB cup being displayed, Carlton beat Brisbane. Go the Blues....
We left the party just after 11pm and went back to the Haymarket motel where we had a room for the evening.
At 4.30 in the morning Dave's mobile rang, I answered it, the caller asked if it was All Hours street sweeping, I said 'yes one moment' and handed the phone over to Dave. They then asked dave if he swept streets at night, Dave said Yes why, the caller then said" Can you come and sweep my street as I want to wake my neighbours up", Dave replied with some unmentionables and went back to sleep, I however was wide awake.
Breakfast arrived at 8.15 which we thoroughly enjoyed, I then paid the account and checked on the room booking for the niece's wedding thats in a fortnight.
Called in and had a cup of tea with Daves mum Peg, she has decided to sell her house and move into a unit. She's found a nice one and has made an offer all dependant on her selling her house, not that I think she'll have much problems as its a nice house with a lovely garden.
Dave drove back to Lara to finish a few repairs on the truck, I had a quick Nana nap and we set off back up to Bendigo, i followed the truck until we reached the Calder highway just out of Gisborne, then I drove straight through to Dingee arriving around 10.30 pm. I dragged the single mattress into the kitchen, left the door open and the fanon and crashed on top. Monday morning arrived too quickly as did the flies. So I packed some more boxes in the ute and went next door for a cuppa and a chat. Left there at 11 am and got down the road and heard a bang, i stopped the car had alook couldnt find anything, got back in, got up to 70 km and bang, bang, bang.... stopped thinking i had a flat, checked allthe tyres they were fine, nothing leaking under the car. Got back in slowly drove and nothing as soon I got up to 70 bang, bang, bang. I got out again and checked undr the front end, there was a piec of balck plastic hanging down, it seewmed to be attatched to the front bumper. Not wanting to destroy it I called into Rick's place and he repaired it for me while I waited so I counted the cats and there was quite a few new additions...lol
I set off for Echuca and arrived at 12, had a couple of cups of coffee whilst we waited for Bec's ultrasound appointment which was at 2pm. Dropped Bec and Luke at home and headed back to Bendigo to catch up with Dave, as he was working in town for the week and staying with his mum. When I called him all that changed the job was finished early and so he was heading back home for a couple of days. I left Bendigo at 6 pm and arrived home in time to play with two very excited dogs before watching Desperate Housewives.
Dave's plan of having a couple of days off got cancelled with 4 jobs comming up within hours, night shift in Melbourne and work out of Geelong. At least were getting the work.
So this week Im doing the books, going to Melbourne to get new brooms for the truck, going to Avalon to watch the Airshow...(Ive had to listen to the planes go overhead for the past week, and feel the house vibrate) I might as well go and see them in action. Hopefully get some interesting pictures.
1 comment:
Wow a girl.....pink....Im sooooo excited. Bec is looking great and dont forget to take some time for you OK!!!!!!!
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