November 16, 2006

So much has happened

Gosh where to start...Well I had my knee surgery (22nd Aug) and they removed bits of bone, fluid and scraped the joint, its still a bit sore, I cannot kneel on it but at least I can walk without pain, even if it is a very slow walk. So all the weight I had lost I gained being very inactive.
Elisa then decided to move her flight forward so she could find a house before we all came over at the same time dh Dave was finding it harder and harder to go to work and be happy, so we discussed starting our own business and buying a street sweeper. I started the NEIS course which ran full time for 6 weeks and at the end of it I received a Certificate 4 in Business.
At the same time we had alreaady found a machine and had organised finace and had bought it, we called ourselves All-Hours Street Sweeping Services and Dave moved down to Lara and moved in with his brother until we found a house. So starting in the middle of September I started travelling backwards and forwards to Lara/Geelong looking for a house to rent. We were having so many problems due to the fact we have owned our own properties for the last 17 years and we have dogs...which I will not give up!
November 1st came around too quickly...up at 4am to set off to the airport. 1 small car, 3 kids one in a car seat, 1 cat in crate, 2 large suitcaes, 2 kids school backpacks and 2 stressed adults. We made it with 15 minutes to spare, time enough for a couple of photos and some tears, they were mine.
Decided to go and cheer myseld up by going to the movies in Bendigo I went and watched Kenny, if you want a laugh do yourself a favour...its very Australian. Came home to a very quiet house till dd Melissa came home.
Dh Dave came home for the weekend and started cleaning up the yard, porch, shed. Then his brother Daryl and stepson BIlly came and helped for 2 days, washing windows, lifting heavy items, man things...
The week flew by and I had left my medication in Lara, by Thursday I was a gibbering mess, crying, feeling sick in the stomach. So when Mel;issa finished work we went to Lara so she could say goodbye to Dave and I could get all my pills. We left there at 9.20pm and took the wrong exit and ended up in Footscray, we managed to navigate our way to the calder freeway and arrived home at 12.40 am. Melissa slept most of the way. waking as we pulled into the driveway.
The following week went just as quickly with another 4am start on the 11th Nov, this time it was 2 huge cases, 1 dog in crate & 2 humans, we got there with over 50 minutes to spare then the hiccup came. The plane Melissa was due to fly out on the heater in the baggage compartment wasnt working and the dog would freeze to death, so she would have to take a flight 2 hours later, costing $22. Melissa had already given the dog his sedation pill and was worried that in 2 hours it would have worn off and he would start howling, and thet they wouldnt let her on the plane. Everything must have gone smoothly as Melissa nd her dog Conner arrived in Perth safely.
I left the airport and drove to Lara just to have enough time for a coffee before getting ready for Daves friend Mick's wedding in Geelong. Mick has tumours growing in his head which has left him almost speechless and with no motor control. Anyway it was a beautiful wedding and reception all held in his Mothers backyard.
Dave, John, Denise and myself drove into Geelong abd had a roast meal then went to the movies to see Kenny, I laughed just as much.
We got back to Johns house where I left Dave and drove back to Dingee getting home aound 2.30 a,. So Sunday was spent in bed sleeping.
Monday I decided I had better get started on the packing so I pack a couple of boxes a day so as to not strain my back. Its been very theraputic cleaning out some of the junk. I have kept a couple of special items from the kids childhood.
I have been sorting items to sell and putting them in one room with items to keep in another, the end room has all of Elisa's stuff in it.
So here we are up to today...Ive caught up on all my emails, made my bed, updated my blog and have put off packing long enough.

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