I have managed to do a few layouts over the holidays, this is my favourite so far, its a picture of my neice Ashley holding her brother Nathaniel the title says Precious Memories which I thought was so apt as their surname is Precious.
The last 2 weeks have been spent going to the doctors in Echuca for Q fever testing, the first test is a scratch and a blood test to see if you are already immune, then a week later the immunisation, anyway i had my test done and within minutes a huge lump appeared on my arm then 2 days later a rash covered my torso, I also had constant pins and needles in my fingers. my dd Melissa who had the same test had no reaction like mine. I went back last week to find out that during my lifetime I have somehow contracted Q fever so now Im immune and NO injection required. so now I'm covered to work in any livestock industry.
Last Tuesday was a really busy day, Elisa rang me as her car battery had dies and the kids needed to get to school, so I left home and drove to Rochester to pick up the girls for school in Elmore, they were about 40 minutes late. Back to Rochester to try and fix Elisa's car, which I was unsuccessful at. Off to Echuca to see the doctor and Elisa bought me lunch at a great cafe called the Green Olive, I had an iced coffee & a chicken, bacon,cheese and tomato foccacia. We then wandered around Big W then checked out the LSS where I was very controlled and only bought 3 papers. Then visited my dd Rebecca before heading back to Elmore to pick up the girls, they had had a great day.
Back to Rochester where Elisa cooked an early dinner of chicken kebabs and salad before heading off to watch the girls at their karate practice. It was facinating watching them go through all the moves and the reasoning behind them. Eloise was allowed to join in and it was so funny watching her little legs trying to kick up at the kick pad.
All of last week was taken up with ebay as I have opened a shop called
Jenni's Needful Things and was busy loading the store as well as auction items, I have cleaned out my scrapping room and decided to get rid of what I don't need or use. I also cleaned out my bookcase, I have already sold over 50 books and there's still that many to go.
My dd Melissa was to start a new job at the Pyramid Hill Abertoir on Thursday however a friend from the old piggery where she worked called over on Saturday and offered her a job at Bears Lagoon Piggery, he is now the manager there. She thought about it and rang him on Monday to say yes to the job...she started yesterday and is in the nursery part of the piggery so she is rapt.
So yesterday was the first day Ive had at home on my own in over a year and would you believe I had to spend it in bed as my back had spasmed, it took 4 panadine forte and 2 valium before I was able to walk, so I lazed around and watched the cricket, at least there's something to watch on tv now as all the good shows have returned. Yes Im a TV junkie...my favourite shows are:
CSI - all of them, Desperate Housewives, Supernatural, Without a Trace, All Saints, McLeods Daughters, ER, Lost, Prison Break.
Do you think I need a life?
am just glad to hear that you are still alive and wellish - been checking in every couple of days to nothingness! hope the back settles down.
Gee you are a slacker!!!!! LOL
Na just kidding, great to have you back in blog world.
Hey Jenni, tried to find your stuff on ebay but no luck. Can you please send me a link?
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