Iv'e had a very productive week, Iv'e sorted through my scrapping stash again and have found a heap more stuff to list on ebay. Completed a community album double LO for a member of FoRW, it's the only scrapping Iv'e done in a long time, I seem to have lost my mojo, it does'nt help that there's so many good tv shows on. Read the latest Stephen King novel Cell, thoroughly enjoyed it...
Elisa and te kids came over on Friday afternoon and stayed the night, Melissa cooked a great big pot of spaghetti which was yummy...I spent the evening working on my CA LO and Elisa worked out everyone's biorythyms.
The next morning we were up early and headed off to Murrabit to the large market there. We spent a good 3 hours walking around looking at all the stalls, we had a bacon & egg sandwhich for breakfast and the kids had hot dogs, we also ate a hot jam donut whilst the girls played on the jumping castle. The only major item I bought was a fly veil for my hat as the flies were incredible, you were constantly swatting at your face. We drove to Kerang and spent some time in the local park so the kids could have a play. On the trip home Elisa & I talked about her decision about leaving in April or June. I convinced her to stay until the begining of December and to move in here, that way she can save more money for the move and trip across the Nullabor(we have decided to go via the Great Ocean Road), that way there is 2 cars (as Melissa will be travelling at the same time) and 3 drivers. Eloise also gets to complete a full year of Prep, I get company so we are all winners. The hardest part was asking dh what he thought of the idea. He agreed so Elisa is giving notice to her landlord and will be moving in over the holidays.
So Saturday afternoon was spent planning the trip and working out a household budget. The girls were playing out the front on the big tree, they had saddles and reins and were pretending to go riding.
I spent the evening watching the football and reading my book, today has been a very quiet day (apart from the daily chores), all Iv'e done is read my book.
But I am a happy camper as I will get to spend more time with my sister before she heads west.