Ive been tagged by Sue
A is for age: 40
B is for booze of choice: Bourbon
C is for career: Have applied for a meat packer job
D is for your dad's name: Gerald
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Dip & biscuits
F is for favorite song at the moment: Advertising space - Robbie Williams
G is for favorite game: Scrabble
H is for hometown: Born in Swan Hill but have moved too many times.
I is for instruments you play: None
J is for jam or jelly you like: Plum jam
K is for kids: Melissa (21), Rebecca ( 19)
L is for living arrangements: Dh Dave & dd Melissa & numerous animals
M is for mum's name: Mary
N is for name of your crush: Keanu Reeves & Brad Pitt
O is for overnight hospital stays: Too many to list
P is for phobias: Spiders EEEEEWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Q is for quotes you like: Life is like a box of chocolates
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: My DH we are up for 16 years this year
S is for sexual preference: My Dh oh and Brad Pitt & Keanu Reeves
T is for tattoos: I have 8 of them, planning my next one.
U is for underwear: yes I do wear them occasionally
V is for vegetable you love: all of them especailly brocolli
W is for weekend plans: scrapping hopefully with Elisa
X is for X-rays: Had heaps
Y is for yummy food you make: chicken fetticini
Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini
January 16, 2006
January 15, 2006
What a week

Gosh where did the last week go? Life has been busy again...Melissa & I were getting bored so we decided to have Eloise come and stay to give Elisa a break, Eloise helped to cook chicken fetticini & a sultana cake, I took her swimming at the reservior which she enjoyed heaps... she stayed one night before missing mummy too much, so back over to Rochester to take her home. Talia then wanted to stay so we brought her back on Thursday evening. We did the same activities as Eloise.
On Friday night my dh Dave took me out to dinner, we had a lovely chinese meal at the House of Kong in Bendigo then visited some friends before geting home around 11.30pm.
Elisa, Eloise & Matthew came to stay on Saturday night...we took all the kids swimming at the reservoir, Matthew had a great time, Talia made a mud house and Eloise kept on dunking me in the water. We took all the dogs for a swim which they enjoyed immensly.
Elisa & I spent the next few hours scrapping and chatting up a storm, then watched a movie before hitting the sack around 12.30am.
Sunday was spent scrapbooking all day, have managed to do 15 LO's so far this year.
I'm sure Ive gained weight as Ive eaten Lasagna & chocolate cake, oh well back to reality this week...I was looking at photos of myself when I was 72kg...I should pin one to the fridge as motivation. Well thats been my week....
January 09, 2006
Ivé made a decision
Its been 10 days since I wrote in my blog...a lot has happened in those few days. My daughter Melissa and I went over to my sister Elisa's house for NYE...It was so hot the aircon couldn't keep up. I managed to have one midori splice before becomming ill, not sure from the drink or the heat so ended up going home and was in bed by 9.30 pm. I woke up at 12.03am to see the fireworks on the tv, I wished myself a happy new year and went back to sleep.
During the week I have been thinking about Elisa and Melissa leaving to go to Perth and what I'm going to do when they leave as they are my support group. Even though I have cyber friends it just isnt quite the same as family. They know when my depression is bad and when Im heading into an episode.
So with all this going through my head Ive not slept much, during the wee hours I decided to ask Dave my dh to move over to Perth as there are more job opportunities for the both of us, a better lifestyle and his ds Daniel lives there as well.
So I plucked up the courage and asked Dave if he would consider moving...his answer was NO! He said "He was too old to start again, there was nothing there for him" So it looked like I was moving by myself as I was not going to stay in Dingee for another year. I am sick of the isolation, the 110km round trip to get food, the nothingness that is here. After another night of very little sleep I asked Dave if he would consider moving to Bendigo, to this he agreed. He understood my reasons for wanting to move into a town, I could go swimming to help my back/knee & weight loss, I could do courses to help me get a job.
None of the finer details have been discussed as yet Im just glad a decision has been made.
On a lighter topic I weighed myself this morning to find I have lost 5.2 kg, its just the incentive I needed to continue with the food choices Im making. I was hoping to give up cigarettes but with the stress Ive had during the week I gave in and bought another packet. I will try again soon.
During the week I have been thinking about Elisa and Melissa leaving to go to Perth and what I'm going to do when they leave as they are my support group. Even though I have cyber friends it just isnt quite the same as family. They know when my depression is bad and when Im heading into an episode.
So with all this going through my head Ive not slept much, during the wee hours I decided to ask Dave my dh to move over to Perth as there are more job opportunities for the both of us, a better lifestyle and his ds Daniel lives there as well.
So I plucked up the courage and asked Dave if he would consider moving...his answer was NO! He said "He was too old to start again, there was nothing there for him" So it looked like I was moving by myself as I was not going to stay in Dingee for another year. I am sick of the isolation, the 110km round trip to get food, the nothingness that is here. After another night of very little sleep I asked Dave if he would consider moving to Bendigo, to this he agreed. He understood my reasons for wanting to move into a town, I could go swimming to help my back/knee & weight loss, I could do courses to help me get a job.
None of the finer details have been discussed as yet Im just glad a decision has been made.
On a lighter topic I weighed myself this morning to find I have lost 5.2 kg, its just the incentive I needed to continue with the food choices Im making. I was hoping to give up cigarettes but with the stress Ive had during the week I gave in and bought another packet. I will try again soon.
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